What is the Excellence Model?
New vision on the A B C of leadership
Take a look at your organization with new eyes.
Put on the Excellence Glasses and learn your ABC in strategic leadership and management!
When you put on the Excellence Glasses for strategic clarification and execution, they will give you a clear picture of the organization’s performance and potential seen through glasses which are polished by the best organizations in Europe. The Excellence Glasses give you insight by focusing on your organization in relation to the ABC:
A. What do we do?
B. How do we do it and how well do we do it?
C. Do we have a coherent and productive culture?
Your awareness about these questions will come alive in the culture and be documented as a part of a feedback report, which you can apply in the organization’s further strategy and continuous improvement of its performance.
Who has invented Excellence for clarity?
To understand the philosophy behind the Excellence Model, it is important to understand that it was leaders from European organizations who created the model as a response to the rising competition in the 1980’s; a competition which has gained momentum since then. EFQM, the gathering point for a European community, has been the main actor behind the initiative for more than 25 years. The aim is to create more efficient and competitive organizations in Europe. The Excellence Model is continuously being updated which also means that the Excellence Glasses are polished every three to five years to make sure that they focus on current challenges.
When you decide to exercise the Excellence Model, it is because you want to get better. You are prepared to work hard so that one day you can stand on the winner’s podium with excellent results as a proof of your knowledge of the NEW ABC in strategic management.
Allan Ahrensberg
+45 53 60 25 60