Excellence Danmark offers a facilitation which will enable management and employees to wanalyse, make decisions and execute in new ways with an insight in the current culture’s strengths and weaknesses.
By way of new insight on the direct links between management, customer value, processes and organizational optimization, the road is clear for an increased profit development at the four-fold bottom line.
We talk about a strategic and practical ‘action learning’ with a reference to ‘best practice’. Why? Because Excellence Danmark has a strong ambition to take your organization to a place where you know how to work with Excellence.
We deliver the fishing line which is necessary to enable the organization to ‘catch’ results from the blue and red ocean. Our business concept is not to sell the fish; that is for others to do and beyond our mission. We only deliver the tools.
Many organizations market and describe their virtues with the term excellent without making sense to either customer nor employees. Our approach is built on a clear and measurable definition which will be very easily understood for most ambitious employees, leaders and board members. This includes society, as well. 
EFQM’s definition of Excellence:

Excellent organisations achieve and sustain superior levels of performance that meet or exceed the expectations of all their stakeholders.

This definition is a key element in EFQM Excellence, especially because of the competitiveness in private as well as in public European organizations.
Below, a certain amount of phases are indicated. Excellence Danmark has international experience to convert an average organization to Excellent; this means World Class results and an organizational capacity for future performances.

How is the positioning of your Excellent ambition in Europe?

On the bottom line, Excellence is about creating a competitive organization which satisfies every shareholder’s and stakeholder’s current and future needs and expectations. This needs to be the actual managerial perspective when taking the first step of the Excellence journey.

When you manage to develop the organizational performance, it may be a good idea to get an external supervision which will motivate the organization’s effort. Experience shows, that it is significantly more ‘fun’ to be able to see results than to receive an audit. Furthermore, it can motivate the organization going the extra mile.

It is, of course, nice to also receive recognition for the things that you do well. To win the European Excellence Award is a step on the way to organizational pride and can be a solid way to position your organization in the international spotlight.

EFQM gives recognition in the following categories:
1. Committed to Excellence
2. Recognized for Excellence
3. EFQM Global Excellence Award

In its capacity of being an EFQM Partner, Excellence Danmark is able to help developing your organization’s performance in relation to the above-mentioned acknowledgments. Excellence Danmark can also assist with a contact to EFQM if the previous acknowledgments have made you curious.


Allan Ahrensberg
+45 53 60 25 60